Aging 2
I no longer trip down the stairs.
Nor do I prefer
to sleep on a mat on the floor.
I like my coffee.
And also bourbon. It's true,
though if up to you,
you would probably suggest I choose coke.
It's my life you seek to preserve.
Then why the fuss?
I'm prepared to live long as I must,
but to tell the truth
I should have packed it in with Ruth
when the world was less of a shamble.
Wouldn't you agree
if you had to learn Facebook and Twitter,
to me all of them a jumble
for ten-year-olds.
I prefer the jungle
where the growls are actually real,
where I'm forced to stumble
into quicksand or, maybe, a pit;
a Tarzan humble
enough to confess he’s no pick,
just a movie star
who has chimps and elephants for family.
That I can deal with.
It's the electronic rigmarole
that drives me nuts;
all the anger, all the hate, all the scheming.
The world’s become so bizarre.
It’s a place worth leaving.