Simple Pleasure
It's true I still like women
and I hope I do
until they screw
the lid down
or slide me through
the door of a high degree furnace;
but the pleasure of a shit is important
or a good long piss,
especially if I've had to hold it,
or a deep, loose cough.
Hell, I even take pleasure in spitting.
I find pleasure and needs correspond
as I near the age
where the body reverts to a miser
and I must rely,
by necessity,
on the things I can do,
and do well
and take pleasure in.
I never know if I'll ever do it again
or if some sharp pain
will show up like unwanted company,
force out a yell,
or if time will kill
my ability to do it at all.
Up on one wall, I keep track
of the times I’ve farted.