Why Beauty


Some invitations to beauty are static:
a photo, a portrait, an equation.
These may be referred to as classic,
having withstood windstorm and erosion.

Invitations may last but an instant;
may be so swift,
they allow but a glance, are insistent:
a brief touch, a slight movement,
something caught
and immediately assessed.

Invitations may begin in volition,
perhaps consciously unintended,
nonetheless, may last
beyond the moment of sending
and are remembered, tested,
looking to the past.

That cannot be said of a stone, a leaf, a flower
unless volition is inherent,
existent in the gift of life.

Experience of beauty differs,
according to the frame of one's of mind,
and conditions external to receiving:
whether winter, summer,
or partially hidden from light;
is unexpected,
abrupt as a noise in the night.

Playing God for awhile,
let me ask:  Does experience of beauty expect
or extract an "ought?"


I admit I am somewhat at sea,
thus must proceed
close-hauled and close in to shore.

Is not this how we're constrained to wander,
testing concepts, blazing paths,
counting scores?
And so, in this way proceed.

We may see invitations to beauty
in the acts of love:
a mother suckling her child;
find beauty in the excess of lives
where there is no smile.

If clear where beauty begins,
I’m not sure where beauty leaves off.

I immediately think of Mount Everest
and the climb it offers,
never easy,
demanding all the way;

finding, too, we have brought too much baggage,
are forced to put weight aside
(it’s a kind of bias)
but may also experience beauty in exercise
or a landscape we decide to paint,
a poem that we start to write
even while we're climbing:

a meadow of red mountain flowers,
or snowy peaks
that cut through the sky;
even visions of what at first we find ugly.

Beauty may be unexpected,
beyond the trite;
images that call up horror,
a fear of cliffs
and the torture of endless falling:
eternal beauty;
even so, unbidden and despite.


Beauty calls to beauty: to a smile, a smile;
a painting may beget a painting
or a poem respond.

Beauty can be found in conversation.

Thus it is with a gift of flowers,
an exchange of letters,
shared viewing of a sunset by lovers:
each request a start
and a simple invitation to another beauty.

Invitation requests a response, an RVSP.
You're asked not only to share,
but to contribute
the beauty of the self that you are;

the presumption that you will give pleasure,
or even share.

Gift for gift is beauty repaid,
if it's freely given:
sharing beauty you have been given:
the beauty
that is only yourself.

Invitation by invitation,
invocation proceeds to prayer,
holy prayer that is universal,
as the morning sun.

Thus do petunias speak softly of  kindness,
a portrait of love;
evening starlight giving light of promise.


Each smile sends a version of gladness,
kiss offers a cause for a smile;
there is nothing of joy
that's not beauty:
you may walk in joy's shoes
miles and miles...

Beauty walks with you up the mountain,
above, below, and afar,
and continues to live deep inside you
as expectance,
the questions: Why not? and What for?

It may be that's the Why of raw beauty:
its morning and its evening star.

On Poetry and ArtSuzi Peel