Wallpaper for the Lady Crane
My totem is the bear,
not Ursus Major,
but the small bear we call badger.
His den is deep.
He is a solitary survivor;
is loose of skin
and a feared in-fighter.
Contrary, wise,
he is to a fault anti-social,
his eyesight weak;
doesn’t walk,
but unseemly shambles.
Moreover, this bear does not dance,
plural or single.
As for me, I have wandered too far
and too long have rambled.
The tundra
is the place I call home.
Here are no trees
and, so far as I know,
no brambles.
On earth that's frozen,
I assume the stance of a bear.
Should I be chosen,
in profile only
shall I dance:
not a dance at all, but a shadow
in silhouette only on my Lady's wall.