Liminality II
Where chaos and order intersect sparks will likely happen:
thunder lightning and rain and a heavy wind
that stirs rivers shakes buildings fells trees;
or a silent voice that sometimes surprisingly wakens
from the edge of sleep.
You sit up and listen.
Call it thinking call it streaming call it God
nonetheless you listen and sometimes arrive at a poem
or a poem's beginning
that is in itself chaotic but still makes sense
even if spread out disordered.
You look and listen in a silence that condenses to words
but is also vision:
displays of image float by collect commingle.
You observe creation and in this manner grow wise
in a world where you have no control.
It is chaos that orders beauty.
It's as if you sing but it isn't you that is singing it's the creation
where sometimes the singing is raucous and sometimes bold
not always the pleasantest sound
or the song turns cold and wistful and sings of loss
or is harsh and strident with anger.
All you know is the singing is life. As it sings, is so.