Faces in America

What is it with American faces?  

Wives’ angry faces
deploring taxes and war; 
and merchants’ faces 
who fear economic woes.

 Even farmers’ faces, 
who once were the salt of the earth,
now screaming hate
at those of a different faith.

 Greedy brokers’ faces
who force 
companies and jobs overseas,
so increase our poor.

 What has happened to the City On The Hill?

 All lights on dim
and the streets overrun with rats;
perhaps lulled to helplessness and sin
by drugs and the wealth coming in.

 No question: A vengeance is coming,
in whatever form it may take.
It will quench the light
that once stood for freedom and hope.

 There will be great lamentation 
and, naturally, recriminations.
Forget about sack cloth and ash.
Instead, we'll just point at each other, 

 crying shame and assigning blame.